Anécdotas: «¡Eres un gordo maravilloso!» (你是个美丽的胖子!)
English version available
Queridos amigos, ¡ya estoy de vuelta!
Queridos amigos, ¡ya estoy de vuelta!
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Tema principal de la escena... The main topic of the adventure... |
Dear friends, I am back! After one month offline, I have gathered a good deal of anecdotes that now I can share with you: our debut as rap stars on stage, a scene in a low-budget movie I happened to star in, or the visit of my best friend Juanjo and our trip to Shanghai and Suzhou. In a nutshell, I will make the wait worth your while.
I will start with the event that happened first: the movie adventure.
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Mi tarjeta de donante. La llevo colgada de la mochila. |
It was just a normal day of vacation. I had just come back from my trip around Southern China, and I was doing what one normally does after travelling: lying on the bed like a magnificent walrus, relaxing and, mostly, trying to avoid any kind of visual, auditive or physical contact with professor Li, a professional in giving me headaches and troubles.
So, there I was in this noble and leisurely entertainment when all of a sudden someone knocked at my door. I was hosting an orchestra of funky noises all by myself in the room, so pretending this was empty was clearly not an option. I crawled out of the bed and opened the door: a random Pakistani dude was standing at the other side. He came to make me an offer: work as model/actress for Chinese comercials.
Even though it might put at risk my integrity (and that of my organs, more specifically), or having me ending up transformed into a kebab, the thing is I had spent a lot of money travelling, so some income would come in handy. I accepted. It was money for nothing: for being white, or blonde, or both things. The moment I said "yes", the guy became "my agent" and said that, as a matter of fact, he already had a job for me. We exchanged telephone numbers and set an appointment for next day.
A la mañana siguiente y, a pesar de que los requisitos para el trabajo eran ser blanco/europeo, me vi montada en una furgoneta con otro paquistaní, un turco y un sirio... que resultaron ser encantadores, por cierto, e incluso bastante blancos, dadas las nacionalidades. Nos llevaron a unas naves industriales situadas a unos 40 kilómetros de Beijing, donde iba a tener lugar el rodaje, pero ninguno de nosotros sabía qué íbamos a hacer ni por cuánto tiempo tendríamos que estar allí. Mientras íbamos en la furgo, dos cosas ocupaban mi mente: la primera, la canción "Beware of the Boys", de Punjabi, la banda sonora mental de mi extraño viaje; la segunda, qué salsa iría mejor con un "kebab de Lara"...
Next morning, and even though the requirements of the offer were being European and white, I found myself sitting in a van with a Sirian, a Turkish and another Pakistani. Lara-kebab, here we go! They took us to an industrial area 40 km away from Beijing. The song "Beware of the boys" played in my head for the entire trip, as I considered which sauce would suit better a kebab made of my flesh. We did not know what we will have to do, or for how long.
Finalmente, llegamos al sitio del rodaje, guiados por un elenco de rednecks (gañaneitors) de órdago. Allí, descubrimos que teníamos que rodar una escena de una competición de resolución de cubos de Rubik, en Italia al parecer, o al menos había un cartel bastante absurdo escrito en italiano que hacía las veces de decorado. La parte irónica es que, de los cuatro, la única que sabía resolver el cubo de verdad era yo, pero el director decidió que meinu 美女, "la chica guapa", tenía que perder. Bueno, esa era la impresión que dio en un principio, pero pronto descubrimos que, en realidad, lo que el director había decidido era que meili de pangzi 美丽的胖子, "el gordaco maravilloso", tenía que ganar. Como lo oís. Tal cuál.
When we finally arrived in there, a horde of, well, rednecks escorted us to the set, where we finally found out what was it all about: we would shoot a scene for a movie solving the Rubik's cube. It was some sort of competition set in Italy, or that's what I concluded based on a banner poorly written in Italian that we had hanging at our back. Oddly enough, I was supposed to lose the competition, when I was the only person of the group that actually knew how to solve the magic cube (Chinese call it that way). So, meinü 美女, " the cute girl", had to lose; and, on the other hand (and that's the best part of it), the meili de pangzi 美丽的胖子, "the wonderfully fat guy", had to win. Just like that. "The majestic fat". In your face.
When we finally arrived in there, a horde of, well, rednecks escorted us to the set, where we finally found out what was it all about: we would shoot a scene for a movie solving the Rubik's cube. It was some sort of competition set in Italy, or that's what I concluded based on a banner poorly written in Italian that we had hanging at our back. Oddly enough, I was supposed to lose the competition, when I was the only person of the group that actually knew how to solve the magic cube (Chinese call it that way). So, meinü 美女, " the cute girl", had to lose; and, on the other hand (and that's the best part of it), the meili de pangzi 美丽的胖子, "the wonderfully fat guy", had to win. Just like that. "The majestic fat". In your face.
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No os perdáis la ropa con la que me vistieron Don't miss the fine garments they dressed us with |
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¡Todos a sus marcas! Ready? |
Ocupamos nuestros puestos en la mesa, seguimos las instrucciones que el director y compañía nos iban dando para la escena, nos cambiaron de ropa porque no parecíamos lo suficiente nerds (tonticos) para la susodicha competición (a mí me vistieron de butanero) y empezaron a preparar psicológicamente al sirio, alias "gordo maravilloso", para la aplastante derrota que nos iba a infligir. Si no le llamaron "gordaco de impresión" veinte veces en to su puta cara, no se lo dijeron ninguna, vamos... Así es como funciona la psicología china, cogen uno de tus defectos y, no solo lo convierten en una enseñanza moral para la ciudadanía, además hacen toda una puñetera película con él. O una trilogía, si pueden. Por si no fuese suficiente con ser gordo, el director consideró que ser medio retrasado añadiría más efecto dramático a la escena, así que, entre otras muchas peticiones hilarantes, dijeron al sirio que "resolviese el cubo de Rubik con la boca entreabierta", que "sonriese de forma bobalicona" o que "hiciese muecas a la cámara" en la primera escena, antes de empezar "la competizione". Total...
We took positions at the table and followed the instructions provided by the director for the shooting. They made us wear other clothes, more "nerdy" according to their particular understanding of the thing (I was dressing like the gas delivery guy...), and then they started preparing the Sirian, a.k.a. "Wonder Fat", for his victory. Seriously, I have never seen anyone being called "fat" in the fucking face so many times before... And that, my friends, is China, and Chinese: they take one of you flaws and not only they make it become a moral teaching for others, but also shoot a fucking movie based on it. Or a trilogy, why not.
But being fat was not enough. The thing lacked dramatism... So the fat dude ended up also being half-retard. You can imagine the directions of the director: "keep your mouth half opened", "smile in a silly way", "make faces to the camera"... Blimey.
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Ahí está Rashid, haciendo el mongólico para sus futuros admiradores. ¡Dáselo todo! Go Rashid, follow your dreams! |
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Clavaíta al monigote de Saw, en serio... Daba miedo That girl looked like the puppet in the movie Saw |
Cuando finalmente volvimos a casa, pasé a ver a "mi agente" para cobrar mi dinero, y los paquistaníes, muy amablemente, me prepararon un té y me invitaron a quedarme un rato charlando con ellos. Como diría Juanjo, ¡a jierro con los pakistanes! No me dieron mucho dinero, pero también es verdad que no tuve que hacer gran cosa y, en líneas generales, la experiencia valió la pena. Así se lo hice saber a este chico que se encarga de reclutar gente para los anuncios y, sin ir más lejos, ayer mismo vinieron los del rodaje a la Universidad a hacerme unas cuantas fotos y a tomarme las medidas. Gracias a dios, últimamente ninguna de "mis cifras" es vergonzante...
Pues nada, ¡hasta la próxima! A mediados de semana, ¡prometido!
And that's how we spent the day. There were other 4 guys with us, Chinese all, 4 freaks whose only job was solving the cube for us so we could shoot the final scene. One girl totally looked like that white-faced puppet from the movie Saw... I am pretty sure I could have sliced ham with her sharpened cheekbones. When I arrived to the University later on I went to see "my agent" to receive my payment. It was not much (300 yuan I think), but it was worth it. I stayed with the Pakistani for a while having some tea with milk and I told them I might be interested in repeating the experience. Next day, some guys from the set came to take my measurements, for future reference. Thank god, my measurements are quite alright at the moment (fiuu...).
And that's all, folks! I will post again mid-week, I promise!
Ay, Lara, por Dios!! Ya se que las madres somos un coñazo, pero no te metas en furgonetas de desconocidos. Llévate a alguien: Al profesor Li, por ejemplo o, en su defecto, a algunos compañeros de la Universidad... unos 100 ó 200 para que te puedan defender si hay problemas... XDDDDDDDDDDDD
ResponderEliminarLa entrada, como siempre, genial. ¡Pobre chaval! Yo no le veo tan gordo, la verdad... Aquí, es cierto que la Junta está en plan Sierra Morena, pero, al menos, no nos llaman gordos... ;p
Welcome once again.
Por lo menos no lo llamaron "gordon cabrón" como en Austin Power :P
ResponderEliminarComo siempre ¡Felicidades!
Está claro que nunca dejaras de sorprendernos con tus andanzas chinescas xD
ResponderEliminarEso sí, lo de la tipa con el parecido al muñecote de Saw me ha dejado un poco intranquilo (¿realmente hay gente así?)
Por cierto, ahora que tu carrera artística ya parece que está lanzada deberías ir pensando en contratar guardaespaldas, manager, asesores... ¡que nunca se sabe!
¡Un besote y muchas gracias!