Reflexiones: estabilidad (稳定)
Bilingual article
Después de la tempestad, siempre llega la calma. Eso es un hecho irrefutable. Pero también es un hecho irrebatible que acabas calado hasta los huesos y chorreando. Eso, curiosamente, nadie te lo dice...
They say there is calm after the storm. That’s a fact. But what is also a fact (and quite an important one indeed) is that one usually ends up soaking wet after said storm. But, oddly enough, nobody mentions that.
Después de la tempestad, siempre llega la calma. Eso es un hecho irrefutable. Pero también es un hecho irrebatible que acabas calado hasta los huesos y chorreando. Eso, curiosamente, nadie te lo dice...
They say there is calm after the storm. That’s a fact. But what is also a fact (and quite an important one indeed) is that one usually ends up soaking wet after said storm. But, oddly enough, nobody mentions that.
Tras un par de semanas de agobio inconmensurable intentando solucionar mi problema con el visado, esperando noticias de la beca del gobierno chino, buscando trabajo para mantenerme e intentando encontrar una habitación que no pareciese el zulo de Ortega Lara (o de Lara, en este caso), finalmente tiré la toalla y caí en los musculosos y trabajados brazos del Capitán Capitalismo: me planté en la Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales de la USTB y les solté un fajo de billetes para seguir estudiando aquí durante un semestre más. Fin.
After two weeks of distress trying to get rid of the visa’s expiration date curse, trying to find a job to maintain myself in China as well as a room bigger than a closet, and without news about my scholarship, I finally surrendered and summoned my old friend Captain Capitalism —I went to USTB’s International Office and threw a wad of bucks on the table. Next semester I will keep on studying in this University. End of the story.
Y es que, al final, lo que cuenta para los chinos es eso: el parné, la pasta, el pecunio. Yo pensaba que si les ayudaba con sus cosas, con sus espectáculos de luces y sonido, sus cortinas de humo y sus bienquedadas para aparentar, todo ello, por supuesto, en detrimento de mis estudios y de mi tiempo de esparcimiento personal... Pensaba, como iba diciendo, que llegado el momento se acordarían de mí y de cuánto les ayudé en su día, y me echarían un cable de ser necesario. Pues sí, sí se acordaban de mí: de mi piel blanca, de mi pelo rubio y de mis ojos verdes, que en sus matemáticas de la avaricia es igual a "billetes". Si quieres ayuda, cómprala.
Sad but true, in the end the only thing that matters is the money— the dough, the dosh, the cheddar, the greens… well, I think I’ve made my point. I thought that if I helped them with their activities (those performances and puppet shows to show the world how international and modern they are) they would return the favor, if need be. I sacrificed my personal time, for both leisure and studying, to give them my best… But, in the end, my efforts weren’t worth a single bit of aid. “Blonde, green eyes, white skin” equals “money”. If you want some help, just pay for it.
Sinceramente, descubrir que esta es la actitud que prima en este país ha sido bastante decepcionante...
Honestly, finding out that this attitude is the paramount of China’s modern society has being deeply discouraging…
Pero bueno, con este movimiento inteligente pero desesperado, la mayoría de mis problemas desaparecieron de golpe: la Universidad me tramita el visado para los próximos 6 meses, puedo vivir en el campus por 1500 yuanes al mes, tengo más clases de chino... Pero aún necesitaba un trabajo para mantenerme por aquí, así que seguí buscando.
Anyway, registering in the USTB for one semester I got rid of most of my problems at a stroke—USTB is currently processing my visa, I have a place to live for 1500 yuan/month and I’ll be studying more Chinese for the next 6 months. It was a desperate but intelligent movement, though.
Atlas Farnesio: mucho currar pero poco cobrar. Farnese Atlas: work, work, work... |
But I still needed to find a job to pay my living expenses… I had another negative experience with this job seeking quest of mine, again provided by The Lady. Basically, she made me work in her office (without paying me) for two days (18 hours) just to finish making me a job offer of 3000 yuan/month (€400), 45 hours/week, including Saturdays and Sundays if necessary, in one of the most expensive zones of Beijing. Business clothes required, transportation or food allowance not provided. Let’s do the math: only in transport and food I'd need to spend 100 yuan/day (€12), and by food I mean just lunch; so, by the end of the month I would have spent the whole salary in just going to the office and having lunch around… And still I’m supposed to buy new clothes for the office, pay my rent and supply my house… Sexcellent offer, Lady!
Poco después de esta nueva entrega de "cómo intentar explotar a un extranjero como si fuese un chino", una nueva oferta de trabajo llegó llamando a mi puerta: enseñar inglés a niños, jóvenes y adultos, clases particulares a domicilio y, por cierto, a tomar por culo de lejos de mi casa. Aceptar esta oferta con esas condiciones, una vez hecha la matrícula para el curso de chino, suponía invertir prácticamente 12 horas al día entre clases y transporte, más los gastos de comer fuera... ¿y cuándo saco tiempo para los estudios? De haber encontrado esta empresa antes, quizá otro gallo me habría cantado...
Soon after this new episode of “Exploitation: trying to make a Chinese of you”, I received a phone call from a teaching English company that had received my CV and wanted to meet me in person. After a sort interview and a demo class, they were more than satisfied with my teaching skills and my English level... But the problem was they required full-time dedication, meaning that I would have to be outside working/moving here and there around about 12 hours a day, for these lessons were private tuition system at the students’ domiciles (kick-ass far away from each other and from the place I live). Had I found this company before registering for another Chinese course at USTB, maybe I could have accepted this offer. But once again, luck was not on my side.
Soon after this new episode of “Exploitation: trying to make a Chinese of you”, I received a phone call from a teaching English company that had received my CV and wanted to meet me in person. After a sort interview and a demo class, they were more than satisfied with my teaching skills and my English level... But the problem was they required full-time dedication, meaning that I would have to be outside working/moving here and there around about 12 hours a day, for these lessons were private tuition system at the students’ domiciles (kick-ass far away from each other and from the place I live). Had I found this company before registering for another Chinese course at USTB, maybe I could have accepted this offer. But once again, luck was not on my side.
Adiós, amigos. Hello, my friends... |
Ahoy, mariners! Don’t sail the Chinese waters trying to fish something for Spanish speakers. I tell you, there’s nothing out there. In China they are crazy about English— everything is America and English (and KFC and McDonalds, by the way). And the worst part of it is that you don’t even need preparation for teaching, just either white skin or American passport. There’s people (mostly Russians) teaching English and making really obscene amounts of money, and they don’t have a clue of English. Nuts…
A pesar de mi infructuosa búsqueda de trabajo, he alcanzado un cierto nivel de estabilidad. Es bueno vivir todas estas experiencias para desengañarse, para quitarse la venda de los ojos y contemplar la realidad de una sociedad que nos venden como "el futuro". Personalmente, yo cada vez estoy más convencida de que China es "el pasado", con unos derechos laborales en pañales, un nivel de bienestar dudoso y mucho, mucho trabajo por delante. Cuanto más conozco China, más cuenta me doy de que estoy en un decorado de Hollywood... Si apoyo una mano en la pared de la universidad, posiblemente se venga abajo porque es de atrezzo.
Anyway, what matters is that I have finally settled down. Still a student, but at least I won't need to leave the country. To my mind, is good having all these experiences I’m living, for I’m getting to know the real China and not those porkies they tell about “China being the future”, yadda, yadda. If something, China is the past, with still non-existent labor rights, a doubtful state of wealth, and lots of improvements still on queue. The more I get to know this country, the more I realize it is a Hollywood set… Maybe if I lean against one of the USTB’s walls, I will find out that is actually made of cardboard.
Anyway, what matters is that I have finally settled down. Still a student, but at least I won't need to leave the country. To my mind, is good having all these experiences I’m living, for I’m getting to know the real China and not those porkies they tell about “China being the future”, yadda, yadda. If something, China is the past, with still non-existent labor rights, a doubtful state of wealth, and lots of improvements still on queue. The more I get to know this country, the more I realize it is a Hollywood set… Maybe if I lean against one of the USTB’s walls, I will find out that is actually made of cardboard.
Pero bueno. De momento, 6 meses más. Ya veremos que trae a mi puerta el futuro.
Well, 6 months more... Let's see what the future brings.
Well, 6 months more... Let's see what the future brings.
Hola guapísima!! cuando estuve buscando trabajo por Pekín pensé exactamente igual que tú... es más, desde que estoy aqui y leo todo lo que te ha pasado, me identifico completamente contigo... Creo que lo más difícil en China es situarte y tener estabilidad, así que creo que ya lo importante lo tienes ganado :) animo que ya verás que a partir de ahora todo será mucho más fácil! un besazo enorme <3
ResponderEliminarYa me imagino lo que tendrías que pasar para encontrar tu apartamento... Ains... Por cierto, no sabes lo feliz que estoy de ver que ya estás bien ^.^ Muchos besos cariño, y no dejes de escribir! Todo lo que cuentas en tu blog me hace sentir menos sola, jajaja
EliminarLara!!! Ármate de paciencia y filosofía como tú ya sabes, y ya verás cómo encuentras algo mucho mejor. Vamos, yo no tengo ninguna duda. Y por ahora, como dices, algo es algo, así que aunque veas más autobuses y metro que mundo exterior, llévalo lo mejor que puedas ;)
ResponderEliminarUn besazo!!!
PD: quiero una foto de Tim Burton, por si te lo encuentras por allí atrezzando cosas xDDD
EliminarA todo se acostumbra una. La verdad, tampoco me va tan mal; es una trabajera, pero sería mucho peor no tener fuente de ingresos :P
Muchos besos cielo, te echo de menos!!!